Katarzyna Mroz - Borucka


Katarzyna Mroz-Borucka piano
Katarzyna Mroz-Borucka piano

Founder of the School of Music: Music & You.
Pianist, educator, culture manager.
A graduate of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw in the piano class with a pedagogical diploma and a graduate of postgraduate studies of Culture Managers at the Warsaw School of Economics. Laureate of national and international piano competitions.
Perfected her piano skills at Mastercoursses in Poland and Germany
under the supervision of outstanding teachers.
In 2018 and 2019, gave a series of recitals in China.
She has performed at the Shanghai Concert Hall, the Zong Xiang Music Library in Shanghai,
the Art Town in Suzhou, and the Shanxi University in Taiyuan.
She was a lecturer at Zenin Piano Masterclasses in Shanghai and at Shanxi University.
She recorded a series of tutorials devoted to the performance of Chopin's works
and the technique of playing the piano.
As a culture animator was the organizer of the project "Chopin dla Ząbkowskiej",
which took place as part of the "Otwarta Ząbkowska" festival in Prague.
In 2019, she recorded her first album with waltzes (Sarton label).
She has performed in Germany, the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, China and Japan.